Portrait of Gill, Robert W.

Gill, Robert W.

August 12, 1998

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Robert Gill, assistant to three UCR chancellors, discusses the dynamics, styles and contributions of the three leaders. He provides his perspective on the growth of the campus.
Excerpt from Transcript
Erickson: Was it Dr. Hinderaker who was charged with bringing the campus together, you know, after the two factions, the Citrus Experiment Station and ...

Gill: Yes. Well, it was his vision really to integrate the Citrus Experiment Station, Agriculture Research Center into the campus. And it was he who asked Mack Dugger, who was at that point Chair of the Department of Life Sciences to head a College of Biological and Agricultural Sciences. That was the first break up of the College of Letters and Science.

It was Dean Golino's vision that a single College of Letters and Sciences as we continued to grow would be unmanageable and that we should develop a series of separate colleges. So that was really, as I understand it, his vision, which Ivan implemented.

And then the first step of that was to take the Department of Biology out of the College of Letters and Sciences and combine it with the Citrus Experiment Station and create a single College of Biological and Agricultural Sciences, which would then provide a cross-fertilization between the more applied agricultural areas and the more theoretical traditional biological areas that the Biological Sciences Department, then it was Life Sciences Department.

And because of Mack Dugger's stand, these two fields, he was an agricultural researcher as well and had done a lot of work through air pollution research center also, and was also a biologist, a plant physiologist really. He was the one who was selected as the Dean as a person who would have vision to bring these two areas together..

Then we divided up into a series of colleges, and one of them was the College of Physical Sciences which had math and statistics in it also. And when we then started putting Colleges together again a few years later, it was the College of Physical Sciences which was combined with the Biological and Agricultural Sciences to create a single College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences to further cross-fertilize the two fields.

Gill: Yes, it was certainly his vision which was not broadly shared on campus at the time that we could bring these two fields together.

And we are still achieving a better integration of these. The new biological sciences major takes more full advantage of the many talented biological researchers that we have in the Agricultural Experiment Station., and using them much more in what is the new biological sciences major. But, yes, that was Ivan's vision, and it was really Mack Dugger who put it in place and carried it out.

Questions Regarding this Oral History Project should be directed to Jan Erickson at jan.erickson@ucr.edu.